Unpublished 179. Dr. Clark Dissents (typed)

Unpublished 179. Dr. Clark Dissents (original)

[1947. The Calvin Forum (May)]


3429 Guilford Ave.,

Indianapolis, Ind.,

April 22, 1947

Dr. Clarence Bouma, Editor


Dear Sir,

IN the April 1947 of THE CALVIN FORUM on page 198, Mr. Edward Heerema says, “Men who take such a faulty and weak attitude toward the autonomous will of man that lies at the heart of Arminianism can be expected to have little trouble with Dr. Clark’s notion of the autonomous intellect of man.”

Who these men are who hold to the autonomy of the will, I do not know. None of my friends hold such a view. But let them speak for themselves.

What I wish particularly to make clear is that I do not and never have held to the autonomy of the intellect. Mr. Heerema’s statement of my opinions is as far from the truth as it can possibly be.

The unfortunate controversy about which Mr. Heerema writes would lose one of its unfortunate characteristics, if Mr. Heerema would determine what the truth is before he publishes his opinions.

Very truly yours,