“A Hymn translated from the French” is from Dr. Gordon H. Clark’s papers.

**Items from the unpublished papers of Dr. Gordon H. Clark should not be considered his definitive statement on the particular topic addressed. These papers are being provided for educational value. For Dr. Clark’s official positions consult his published writings.**

Unpublished 119. A Hymn translated from the French

A Hymn

Translated from the French

Gordon H. Clark


To our God be glory given;

Let a solemn song to heaven

Let a solemn song to heaven

Rise to him in adoration.

He creates and shows his might

He creates and shows his might

Retribution shows his right

And his mercy gives salvation


He commands, and nothingness

Trembles at his word’s duress

Trembles at this word’s duress

Living Word, all things creating.

For the radiant orbs on high

For the radiant orbs on high

His hand scatters through the sky

Clouds of star dust scintillating.


God accuses man of sin

Points iniquity within

Points iniquity within

Compels man’s self condemnation

Then the sinner cries in fright

Then the sinner cries in fright

Save me from God’s reprobation.


But the soul to whom the Lord

Gives himself in saving word

Gives himself in saving word

Tastes the peace of expiation.

Object of no great concern

Object of no great concern

This soul gives itself in turn

To its sole Propitiation.


O Lord God in heaven above

Let thy people praise thy love

Let thy people praise thy love

Praise the mercy of salvation.

Glory laud and honor be

Glory laud and honor be

Sung in solemn song to thee

In our thankful adoration.